Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Try too Hard to Be Awesome

I went into writing this blog with the intent to be as consistent as possible, and I realize that that hasn't exactly been happening. This is regrettable, but it usually happens with things like this. I tend to be too hard on myself and set out too rigorous guidelines for what I want to do. I'm not saying that it's a terrible idea to have standards, but I tend to want everything I do to be so perfect that I just stop having fun with it.

Like the day I forgot my hopscotch ruler... Disgraceful.
Therefore, I'm going to stop saying what topics I'm going to write about unless I have a post already in the works. I find that I'm just forcing posts before I've really given the topic itself any thought.
Dead Russian authors? Something everyone can relate to!
From this point hence, though, I will, for sure, try to post at least once a week. I just want to flex my writerly muscles and whatnot.

 As an aside, as I was writing this, I was trying to think of a post-topic that wouldn't be funny, and for some reason Dostoyevsky was the first thing that popped into my head. I decided to search Tolstoy, though, because I thought he might be a more recognizable name. Then, I realized that I had no idea what either of them looked like; so, after I got the above picture, I searched for the D-man. This is what I found:

Apparently, there was some sort of beard-off between these two men that I was completely unaware of. I honestly cannot decide whose is more epic.

And one final thing, I was going to end with a picture of a better beard than both of these guys. I searched for the best beard and stumbled upon the World Beard and Moustache Championship! This is probably the greatest thing I have ever found by accident, and it has totally made my day! I think that link is the best way to end this post.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things that Are Awesome (Part 1)

I haven't had the drive to write a real post, so when there's going to be a huge lack of me writing I'll write really short posts like this one.

Awesome list 1:

1. When I type playlist into t9, the default word is slaylist.

2. When people walk two deep on narrow sidewalks at half the pace of everyone else.

3. The smell of vanilla-lavender dryer sheets.

4. The fact that I can say "quarter of" and there are places where people will have no idea what I'm talking about.

5. I have been able to see the sun for the last three days straight.

Can you guess what I'm serious about?