Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things that Are Awesome (Part 1)

I haven't had the drive to write a real post, so when there's going to be a huge lack of me writing I'll write really short posts like this one.

Awesome list 1:

1. When I type playlist into t9, the default word is slaylist.

2. When people walk two deep on narrow sidewalks at half the pace of everyone else.

3. The smell of vanilla-lavender dryer sheets.

4. The fact that I can say "quarter of" and there are places where people will have no idea what I'm talking about.

5. I have been able to see the sun for the last three days straight.

Can you guess what I'm serious about?

1 comment:

  1. Vanilla lavender dryer sheets make the laundry experience wholly enjoyable. Also, quarter of is stupid. Quarter of the hour has passed? No, it means QUARTER TIL THE HOUR ARRIVES! In other news, the sun has been out since you returned, wiping away two weeks' worth of rain. Coincidence? Mayhaps. Mayhaps. And I think that my comment is longer than your post.
