Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm a For Realz Person Now!

I graduated college a couple of weeks ago, but I was unable to connect myself to the internet, so I'm just writing about it now. I know what you're thinking, that is awesome! College, even? And don't get me wrong, it's pretty sweet. It was definitely a huge weight off of my shoulders to finally have all of my hard schoolwork pay off. I even got the holder for when I get my degree next month.

Those scrolls are lies! Blank LIES!
In spite of the fact that I don't have the certificate of completion just yet, I still got the very real feeling that college was over and a whole new adventure would begin. I realize that is quite melodramatic, but I think that it adequately gets at my feelings at the time.

Now, looking back on the experience from a few weeks distance, the whole shebang left me downright underwhelmed. The whole affair was horridly disorganized and I couldn't help but fondly reminisce about the by-comparison Hitlerian (maybe not a word) rigidness under which my high school graduation was undertaken.

I was going to put a picture of Hitler here with a totally hilarious caption, but decided that it was probably in poor taste. Instead, here is an unrelated photo of a kitten pretending to be people!
In high school we had the routine drilled into our heads so that I was taking with the left and shaking with the right in my sleep. The teachers knew that we weren't capable of thinking on our own and as a consequence felt the need to make our graduation like a well choreographed dance that my entire class knew the steps to. Guess what college...

Not that much has changed. Sure, I can think more analytically

Found that mofo in like a second!
and critically,

but if you stick me into a room with a thousand other people and no idea what to do, I'll be just as lost as I would have been as a clueless graduating high schooler.

I guess I just expected a lot more pomp and a bit more circumstance, and in the end I was left a little unfulfilled. I think I expected to have this epiphany when I got my diploma holder, kind of a light bulb telling me what to do with my life. It was the same thing I expect to happen on every significant birthday. I expected on my sixteenth birthday to be endowed with the knowledge of how to drive, at least what I hadn't learned via Mario Kart.

Back of car on fire? Not making me go faster? Lame.
That kind of thing doesn't happen, though, and I was left feeling mostly unchanged by the whole event.

I know a ceremony isn't supposed to leave you feeling changed, unless it's a circumcision, but I was still disappointed. That is, until recently. I have decided that it's okay that I don't know where I'm going yet. At least, it's okay that I only have a general idea. I've even begun to have an idea of how I want this blog to look for upcoming posts, which is much more than I can usually say for anything I do. I never have any foresight.

I can't decide if I want to talk about my insurance troubles, because that will probably just turn into a lackluster rant because I'm far enough removed from the situation that it no longer bothers me enough to make a post about it not directionless. So, look forward to a post about me being the oldest! Yay!

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