Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holy Ghost Prep has really let me down.

I'm going to take a break from the absolute garbage that I usually write to get serious.

I was informed, last night, that one of my teachers had been fired from my high school. I only had this teacher once, he taught freshman French, and even though I got  a C+ in his class, he moved me up to the honors track. Though that wasn't the only time that this would happen, he saw in me the ability to do well if I really challenged myself. I'll never forget that.

Mr. Griffin was fired after informing the school of his intention to acquire a marriage license in New Jersey, as Pennsylvania still does not allow for same sex marriages... Oh, did I forget to mention that he was gay, it seems that I did because it should be of no consequence. Unfortunately, for my school, it was of apparently great consequence, so I implore you literally fives of readers, let the school, no, the country know that that is not alright.

It should be noted that this is a Catholic school, so being behind the times in terms of worldview is not completely unexpected, but still.

The news story can be found here.

This is what I wrote to the school. If only I were a better writer.

Mr. Danilak and Fr. McCloskey
Ten years ago, I entered Holy Ghost Prep a wide eyed and mostly innocent boy of fourteen. From the second that I walked into Cornwell Hall, I could feel what had been engrained into my psyche from the moment that I came for a shadow day and continued to be pounded into my head at orientation. I was home. I had found a place that was not a community; it was more than that, a family.
The motto “One heart, one mind” which was repeated incessantly at Ghost helped to shape me into the person I am today. I expanded that axiom to influence every aspect of my life and it has helped me develop extreme empathy for those around me. Never have I looked at the plight of another with jaded malaise because, as my high school taught me, we are all connected. To turn a blind eye to one person who has been wronged is to turn a blind eye to all who have been wronged.
                That is why I greeted the information that you terminated one Michael Griffin for pursuing a marriage with his life partner with a rather heavy heart. Objectively, I can understand where you were coming from with your decision. I mean, you are a Catholic institution, and, as such, you need to follow the Church’s doctrine. As of right now, the Catholic Church only recognizes marriage as valid when it occurs between a consenting man and woman. To encourage or promote a marriage between two men (or women) would go against the Church, and that is something that you can’t do. I get that, I really do.
Regardless,  it seems to me that turning Mr. Griffin away at a time when he was making one of the biggest and hopefully most joy-filled decisions of his life is in the poorest of taste. It is downright abhorrent. Though I may be accused of false equivocation, this is no different than parents disowning their child for the mere fact that they are homosexual. I always thought of Ghost as my family, but how can I associate with a family who treats its members as you have treated one of its own that has given so much, over a decade of his life to further your mission statement.  
                I know that one email from a former student will probably get lost amid the thousands of others containing better worded, more compelling arguments. I just needed you to know how utterly disappointed I am, and I hope that at least one of us gets through to you.
I hope you can join us in the 21st century,
Sean O’Brien ‘07

This was an affront to decency, and I couldn't sit in silence. Spread the word.

And if you'd like to email the principal Mr. Jeff Danilak or the president Fr. James McCloskey, they can be reached at and

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I Dare to Dream

I would like to share a sincere dream of mine with you, internet.

I know that, overall, this is kind of a throwaway blog to keep me writing (mostly because no one reads it), and there is never really anything of substance. I try to make my posts meaningful (at least a little bit), but I'm just not a very serious person, and I know that that comes through in my posts.

Anywany, I want to get real with you right now.

Think about it.
I have a dream, and I worry that any insistance on my part that it is, in fact, a sincere dream of mine, rather unfortunately, calls my sincerity into question.

I swear to you, internet, that this is a for realsies aspiration of mine.

I want to be the Hobo King.

This could be me!
And now for a brief history lesson for those of you who refuse to click here (where they not only define hobos in hobo terms, but go into fairly good detail about hobo symbology [which is totally a thing]).
Definitely want none of this... Amiright?
In 1900, three men decided to give the town of Britt, Iowa something special, something to show that this wasn't just a town in the middle of what I'm assuming is nowhere. They wanted to bestow upon the town something that would allow it compete with big cities like Des Moines and ... I couldn't think of another city in Iowa because there aren't any.

I defy you to assert that any of those cities is legitimately familiar to you.
So, these three men, Thomas A. Way, T.A. Potter, and W.E. Bradford, enamoured with initials, were tasked with bringing renown to the town of Britt. After some consideration, they decided to bring the Hobo Convention to their fair city. They got in touch with Onion Cotton (great name) and Grand Head Pipe Charles F. Noe (great title) and informed them of the intention to have the Hobo convention in Britt. The Grand Head Pipe (which may or may not be a Hobo title) decided to scope out the grounds with the stipulation that, in "true hobo fashion*," his carfare and other expenses would be taken care of. He came, he saw, and the rest, as they say, is history.
But with hobos... hobstory.
This brings me to the crux of my post. My bid to be next year's Hobo King.**

Now, the convention website was kind of foggy on what the actual duties of the Hobo King are, but I can only assume they involve complete, unrestricted control over the lives of every single hobo in existence.

I could tell them where to go, which odd jobs to pick up, which rails to ride, what to pack in their bindles, everything.
To contain: 1 can of beans, 1 top hat with the top punched out, and your hopes and dreams.
 I will be a benevolent ruler of hobos.

Or, if, as is more likely, the title is merely ceremonial and I am just the figurehead of the hobos, I shall be the greatest figurehead in all the land. The Queen of England will look upon me with tears in her eyes as I put her nation representing to shame.

Pictured: Bush league nation representing

What follows is an open letter containing my formal bid for Hobo Kingship.


To: whomever decides who gets to be the Hobo King.

Dear Hobo King Congress,

My name is Sean O'Brien and I would like to formally enter my name into the running for the 2014 Hobo King. I know, as a newcomer in this race, I have my work cut out for me, trying to follow greats like: Uncle Freddie, Minnesota Jim, Stretch, and Bo Grump. I believe, though, that I have the gumption, the hobo spirit, to lead the hobo nation with style and aplomb. I can be the leader you need. I shall rule the hobo land with a hobo fist (one that deftly clenches tenderness and compassion for my subjects).

Throughout my nearly quarter century on this Earth, I have learned many things. Chief among them is that I want to be the Hobo King so badly that sometimes when I think about it I get legitimately worried that I might pass out. I'm already great at adding hobo to words, which, I'm sure, is, like, half of the job anyway.

I hope that you will grant me the hobo-consideration that I believe I hobo-deserve.

Sincerely yours,
Sean O'Brien (Future Hobo King)


Readers, I implore you. If you know anyone who can help make my dream a reality, please direct them to this blog and/or send them my letter. I thank you for your help in achieving my dreams.

Hey, if you want to know about other things I like, follow me on twitter: @heyitssob

*which seems to go against how they define hobos. They say they're people who always work to pay their way, but GHP here just seems to be a cheapo.
**I was going to petition to be crowned this year, but the convention was August 8-11, so next year it must be. When I turn a quarter century old, I shall be the king of the hobos.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

ChaCha Real Smooth

Before I begin, some background: ChaCha is (for those not in the know) a service where you are able to text a question to the number 242-242. Soon after, they respond with an answer to your query. Admittedly, this service has pretty much lost all relevance since almost everyone has the internet on their phone and can look up the answer to any question instantly

I, however, still have a regular old cellphone. I'd say its not a "smart" phone, but it's figured out how to turn itself off, only doing so at the most inconvenient times, leading me to believe it is becoming sentient.

Oh, you want to send a text? Wouldn't you rather go fuck yourself?

But I digress, technophobic rants are for another place, another time.

Since my cellphone does not have internet, if I want to know something, I either have to wait or ask ChaCha. Since waiting is a sucker's game, I often opt to hit up ChaCha.

In this instance, I wanted to know when season 4 of Arrested Development would premiere on Netflix. I knew it was happening, but I couldn't remember the exact date. With no computer present, I turned to ChaCha.

Now, what follows is a completely accurate* transcription of a conversation (via text message) that I had with the service ChaCha. I need to make it abundantly clear that I copied the text messages word-for-word. I don't want to be accused of libel for this blog.



Me: When does the new season of arrested development premiere on netflix

ChaCha: Dexter season 4 will premiere on September 27 and is currently filming. Have a great evening, ChaCha!

Me: When does the new season of arrested development premiere on netflix

ChaCha: Hmm… we sent that Answer to you already! Txt GETNEW to get a new answer.

Me: Getnew

ChaCha: It should be at the end of September. For sure, some time this fall. Watch you showtime listings!!! ChaCha rocks!!

Me: Hey chacha, When does the new season of arrested development premiere on netflix

ChaCha: Dexter season 4 will premiere on September 27 and is currently filming. Have a great evening, ChaCha!

Me: When does the new season of arrested development, not dexter, premiere on netflix
ChaCha: The premiere of the 6th season of ‘DEXTER’ airs on Sunday, Oct 2 at 9 PM ET/PT on Showtime. Go ChaCha!

Me: When does the new season of arrested development, not dexter, premiere on netflix. I emphasize, NOT Dexter.

ChaCha: The premiere of the 6th season of ‘DEXTER’ airs on Sunday, Oct 2 at 9 PM ET/PT on Showtime. Go ChaCha!

Me: The show arrested development, starring the likes of michael cera, jason bateman, jessica walters, and will arnett is going to be premiering on netflix with a new season.  when does that happen? the premiere, when is that?

ChaCha: The Season premiere of The Office is Thurs, Sept 22, 2011 on NBC. Ciao, bella!

(A few moments later)

ChaCha: Yes it will be appearing all new on netflix. Thanks for sharing. ChaCha for now

Me: I know that, when?

ChaCha: You’ll know this when Matt calls you in the next few days. Don’t miss the call cause he will only try once, then he’ll call Emily.

Me: What are you even talking about, guys?! I just want to know when arrested development premieres

ChaCha: Second base is one step up of First Base, which includes heavy petting and feeling up while making out, up the shirt or shirtless for both partners.

Me: I feel like I’m in an alternate universe, am I being punk’d? I really just wanna know when the new season of arrested development premieres

ChaCha: The new season of Arrested Development premiers on May 26, 2013.

Me: Thank you

ChaCha: No, thank you! I aim to please and you r happiness is what makes me do what I do!

And that was my adventure with ChaCha. It was... interesting. Interesting, in this instance, meaning like pulling gosh dern teeth.

Follow me on the twits: @HeyitsSOB

 *The only inaccuracy in my recording of this was that I used premier instead of premiere for pretty much the whole conversation. So, I fixed a semantic error on my part. I don't think that's why the answers were wrong.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Living a Better Life: Three Lessons

I've decided that I need to improve myself.

I've been, as has been pointed out, a lazy bum for the past few, let's call them, months ... years ... my whole life ... whatever.

It's gotten to the point where I often worry that I am a sentient lichen.
Why am I?

The upshot to that, though, is that I would live, like, super long.

Anywhee, I am going to share with you some lessons that can (maybe) help make your life more livable. At the same time, I'll be writing and, thus, improving my self-worth. Two birds with one post.

Lesson 1:

Never mess with the people who serve your food.
This man essentially has diplomatic immunity... And a baller hat.

I realize that maxim has been repeated countless times in countless ways, but I feel that it really needs to be drilled into everyone’s head.  I see people being complete jerks to their waitors and/or waitresses on a daily basis and wonder, “Does no one realize how easy it is to spit in your food?”*

Cause it's easy.
Lesson 2:

If you are ever tempted to say any of the following phrases:
“I listened to them before they were popular.”
“I don’t really like ‘blockbusters.’”
“Their old stuff was better.”
“Dogs are better than cats.”

Just don’t. (Actually, you can say that last one because it is a well-documented fact.)

Pictured: Just one of the many things better than cats.

There is only one reason that people say one of the first three phrases: to feel self-important.**
Also, you're a hipster.

This guy was cool before it was cool.

I can say from experience that I have never heard someone say any of those phrases and reacted with anything other than a wince and an eye roll. You’d be better served saying, “Hey, I have an opinion, that, I know, while being completely subjective, thoughtless, and utterly meaningless, should be shared with you for your obvious benefit.”

At least then you’re being honest about your intention.
Lesson 3:

This last one is short, but necessary.

If you are ever working anywhere, never, and I cannot stress this enough, NEVER, tell your coworkers that your girlfriend’s vagina smells like “Dumpster.”***
It makes you seem like an ignorant misogynist. (which you are)

Also, for safe measure, don’t follow that gem up with, “It’s okay, though, I just put it in her butt.”

Sweet Christ, no.
 There you have it, readers, three things you probably shouldn’t do, if you want to be more, you know, awesome.

Shameless plug, if you want to be amazed as I actually update something, follow me on Twitter. @HeyitsSOB
*While writing this sentence, I spit in six bowls of oatmeal and three servings of mashed potatoes. That’s how easy.

**I'd like to formally apologize to my friend who actually said one of those three phrases. I know you were being genuine. I love you and I'm sorry, you're not self important. Except when you are.

***This lesson was taken from a situation that I actually found myself in. It left me feeling extremely dirty and with myriad questions. While my thoughts were rather jumbled as my brain attempted, to no avail, to exit my head with exceeding violence, the one huge question on my (and everyone's) mind was, "Couldn't you, you know, date someone who's vagina doesn't smell like a Dumpster?" Though, I assume his bringing ... that ... up apropos of nothing answered the question well enough at the time.